Product Features -8-bit 1T 8051 micro-controller -Operating voltage: 2.7V – 5.5V -Three clock sources: Internal HRC with 5.5MHz frequency (default), internal LRC with 32KHz frequency, and XTAL (2 ~ 25MHz) -768-bytes SRAM + MCU internal 256byte RAM -16K bytes program Flash ROM -23 bi-directional IO pins (max.) - NLDO with LVR and POR -12-channel PWM with adjustable frequency and 4 setting of bit-depth 4, 6, 8, 10 bit -Three programmable 16-bit timers or counters (Timer0/1/2) -Built-in watch-dog-timer -Two full-duplex serial ports (UART0/UART1) -Hardware SPI interface that could work as master or slave -5 channels of PCA (16 bit Timer0/Timer1/capture mode/HSO/16bit PWM/8bit PWM functions) -Hardware code protection -Enhanced the noise immunity capability for crystal pads -13 interrupt sources - Power consumption under 1mA at idle mode -Power consumption under 15uA at sleep mode -Hardware ISP (In-System Programming) / IAP (In-Application Programming) function - -40°C ~ +85°C working range - EFT ≥ 4KV -ESD test ≥ 4KV without system reset - Package designed with SOP28, SOP20, DIP20, and DIP16